Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Take a Step Back and You Will Be Saved, but Every Step Forward in Destruction Will Lead You to Annihilation

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Christine in France on March 9, 2025



THE LORD - Lightning will come down from heaven and the earth will be covered with ashes. Children, it will be the abomination of desolation. If My children do not convert, if My children do not pay attention to My Words, then the great Judgment will come and everyone will be buried in ashes. How much longer will I have to warn you of what is to come if you don't listen to My Words and continue on your foolish way? You are My children, I want to save you, I come to warn you, but you don't listen to Me, you continue your parties, you adhere to your human laws and not to the laws of Heaven; you are proud and pride will rot you. Children, you are not following the right path, stop listening to the flesh and enter into the spirit!

O France, land of desolation, you who adopt the most sordid laws, you will continue on your way to Gehenna. Very few of My children obey My Law, which is not a human law, but a Law of love. But you complain about love because you don't enter into contemplation, but get involved in all that is carnal and of perdition, and leave the spirit, your spirit, in the depths of darkness. What can you expect if you only have the path of deconstruction, the law of retaliation that only brings hatred and discord? Will you finally abandon your pride and turn your eyes and heart to Me? What are you waiting for to repent? Do you still not see that tomorrow is already today and that you allow yourselves to be buried in the ways of the Evil One? O children of France, stop being blind, open your hearts, enter into penance, which is to recognize your faults, your mistakes and come, return to the Truth!

France, because so much has been given to you, you will be punished according to the measure of your denial. Open your eyes, open your heart to Our Presences! Without Heaven, what can man be, without love, what can he become? Don't deny your past because you won't survive; look to the Light and not to the darkness and you will follow the right path. Don't try to live in error, but remove from yourself all thoughts that don't come from Me. Those who destroy, those who lie do not come from Heaven, but from the Liar. Don't listen to the Liar and follow the right path, that of the Just. Children, come, enter into contemplation and you will be enlightened and walk the right path.

The moment of desolation will come and you will have no more tears to cry, it will be too late! You only hear their voices and not Mine, and their voices and their ways are those of the Liar. Only the Truth will show you the way! I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, come to Me and you will live! Do not fear the world, but fear Heaven's punishment.

Children, enter My courts and pray, pray to the King of Heaven to come and deliver you from the calamities that are to come, calamities that you yourselves have provoked by your choices that do not come from Heaven, but from the Devil. You have let the wolf into the fold and are now trapped in your own destruction. Take a step back and you will be saved, but every step forward in destruction will lead you to annihilation.

Source: ➥ t.Me/NoticiasEProfeciasCatolicas